How to Start a PLR Business in 5 Easy Steps

How to start a private label rights business
A private label rights business might be just the business model you are looking for

Private Label Rights (PLR) content is great for both content creators and those who buy it.

PLR is essentially ready-made content written by a professional which can be edited by business owners for their own purpose

I use PLR regularly as the starting point for many of my articles

You could start a PLR business by offering that content to website and business owners 

With some editing, a little tweaking, and repurposing, the business owner can re-brand the content for their business and turn it into what they need it to be.

Whether they’re using it to drive traffic, make sales, or grow their authority, smart business owners know the value of PLR.

Maybe you’ve used PLR yourself in the past.

I have used PLR on this website

Or, maybe you’ve seen those with PLR stores and would like to replicate the success many have had with this business model.

Maybe you have wanted to start a PLR business but had no idea where to start

If so this article should help you

First of all, it is worth having a look at what others do

Here is an example of a good PLR store 

Here is an example of a PLR store focussing on Personal Development

Here is one specializing in Food and Kitchen content

Writing and selling PLR can be a very good business model.

If you enjoy writing (or the idea of hiring and managing writers), then this might be a great path for you to generate an income online.

In fact, you could choose to focus on this just part-time and build up your PLR store inventory

You could build up to a full-time, relatively passive income even if you don’t work full-time hours.

Or, you can work on this full-time from the off and really grow your income.

Who Are My Customers?

As a PLR store owner, you’ll target business owners who are in need of content.

There is definitely a demand for this type of content out there, so you can be one who offers a supply.

PLR content can come in many forms, virtually anything that can be written or recorded, such as packs of articles about a related topic, short reports, longer eBooks, video or audio courses, and so on.

For the full products, you might want to include a sales letter also, and possibly other sales aids such as infographics, images, autoresponder emails, and whatever else you can think of that will make it easier for your buyer to succeed.

How to Start a PLR Business

Now I myself have never started a PLR business (nor do I have any particular inclination to do so)

But that doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t highlight the possibility to you (as my loyal reader)

So I’ll hand it over to the expert

Alice Seba is a leading provider of PLR products and she explains the business model very well in the video below:

What You Should Know about Starting a PLR Business

Step1 : Investigate What’s Already Selling Well

One of the best things you can do to get started as a PLR seller is to investigate what’s already selling well.

That means scoping out what other PLR authors are selling a lot of.

Figure out what people are buying.

That often means investigating what’s hot on the market. There are certain topics and trends that business people are paying a lot of attention to.

If they know they can make money with a particular topic with their own customers, then they are a lot more likely to buy PLR content related to that topic.

Ideally, you’ll have a few different PLR authors you get to know and even work with as a new PLR seller.

Align yourself with those who are doing well.

You’ll be surprised at how much they’re willing to help you (I am on a number of lists of PLR sellers and they nearly all promote each other’s products positively)

You can also simply investigate the sellers that are doing well by searching on Google, popular business forums, and so on.

See what they’re selling, see what people are buying, and take notes.

Success leaves clues.

Please don’t make the mistake of just jumping right in, trying to write and sell PLR as it comes to you.

Just because you think it’s a good idea for a topic doesn’t mean it actually is a good idea for a topic.

It’s so important to make sure that an idea is good and profitable before you spend time creating PLR on that topic.

Step 2: Determine How You Will Stand Out

This is business, so it’s important for you to stand out.

You want to start a PLR business and get it on the right foot straight away

You don’t want your business to be the same as all the other PLR businesses out there.

You want sellers to come to you for a particular reason.

  • Maybe you’ll offer high quality, premium PLR.
  • Maybe you’ll offer certain packages that are very “business in a box” oriented.
  • Maybe there’s something about the type of PLR you’ll offer or the way you’ll offer it.

Figure out how you’re going to stand out.

Figure out how you’re going to attract quality customers to you.

Know what you stand for and know exactly why people should come to you over every other PLR author out there.

Step 3: Write Your First Content

Now that you’ve done the preliminary digging, it’s time to get started.

It’s time to start writing your first PLR content.

Don’t be worried about this.

This isn’t the only content you’re ever going to write.

It doesn’t have to be perfect – and in fact it’s impossible for it to be perfect.

Figure out what you’re going to write and write it.

Consider this the practice run.

At the same time, make sure you target a profitable topic and execute it well.

The trick is to just keep going. Write your first piece of content but then keep writing, writing, writing.

You should get your PLR customers used to new releases.

After you’ve written your first piece of content, you’ll have to put it up for sale and market it, of course.

But all along the way, you should be writing to add content to your PLR store.

Step 4: Market Your PLR Business

Once you have some content written, it’s time to start marketing your PLR business.

You have to let people know about it.

Just because you have some things up for sale doesn’t mean people are going to flock to buy it.

If you build it they won’t necessarily just come.

You have to get the word out there.

  • That might mean getting affiliates to promote your PLR content to their contacts.
  • Or, maybe you’ll run paid ads.
  • Or, perhaps you’ll put out a special offer on a business forum like the Warrior Forum in their Warrior Special Offers section.

I highly recommend that you set up a formal PLR store.

There should be a place where people can go to look at all the PLR content you have for sale.

Customers should be able to search by category and type of content and find exactly what they need for their business.

Make it as easy as possible for people to buy.

You can even attach a blog to your PLR store.

Your blog can keep people up to speed on what you’re working on, how to best use their PLR, and so on.

One of the best ways to market your PLR will be to build a list of PLR buyers.

One way to do this is to give away a piece of PLR content for free in exchange for an email address.

Funnel people to the sign-up page to get them on your list.

Once you have people on your list, you can inform them whenever you come out with new PLR content, are running a special offer, and so on.

This is the best way to start a PLR business and to get it up and running quickly

Step 5: Create A Monthly PLR Membership Site

I’m sure you want to turn this into a full-time income.

One of the best ways to do that is to get people to sign up for a monthly PLR membership site.

You’ll write the content, get people to subscribe, and get paid on autopilot month after month.

Running a membership site can be great for you because you get the consistency of income.

As long as you deliver high-quality content every month, people will most likely want to remain a member.

Membership PLR sites are great for your customers and clients because they’ll get great content on autopilot without having to search for it or think about it.

If you want to start a PLR business and earn money as a PLR seller, this is one way to stand out.

Get Started Today and Start a PLR Business!

There you have it – it truly is easy to get started selling PLR – and to start a PLR business of your very own

You just have to have a great idea, good writing, and a way to get your PLR content in front of people who will be excited to buy it.

Target people who you know will make money with the content you create.

If they can earn money with your PLR content, then you can earn well with this income-generation method.

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